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People Are Trying To Find 16 Circles In An Optical Illusion With Straight Lines

Online individuals have frequently presented brain teasers challenging our cognitive prowess. While optical illusions have perplexed many, in today’s circumstances, these intellectual puzzles serve as a source of solace and diversion from the prevailing negativity. Following a tweet that previously tasked us with spotting a dog in a park picture, a Twitter user has now unveiled an image that honestly leaves me feeling a bit dizzy!

The picture that was shared online by Bernie Spofforth is an arrangement of horizontal and vertical lines. However, the challenge is to locate 16 circles in the image that only has straight lines.

Named as the ‘Coffer Illusion’, it was created by Anthony Norcia of ‘The Infant Vision Laboratory’ at Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute in San Francisco, reports Daily Mail.

Reports suggest that when Anthony showed the image to 45 people, it took them an average of 45 seconds to spot the circles. Can you find all of them within the time period?

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